
An abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin from your belly to create a sleeker and firmer profile. It also involves treating separated abdominal muscles. Even men and women of ideal weight can struggle with a slack or protruding stomach, which is one of the reasons an abdominoplasty continues to be popular.

Are you tired of seeing sagging skin? Do you wish you could instantly tone your stomach, thighs, or arms? Renuvion® skin tightening is a minimally invasive way to get your problem areas looking firmer and smoother.

The skin on the upper arm suffers from the same issues as the skin on the rest of the body.

When people think about how their appearance impacts their self-esteem, they are often most concerned about their face because this is how people identify one another. Most people desire to have a face that is symmetric in appearance on either side. This is what makes ear surgery (otoplasty) so important.

As the signs of aging become more pronounced, drooping jowls and deep creases can make you unhappy with your appearance. Dr. Tracy McCall can effectively treat sagging skin and facial wrinkles with a facelift, helping your feel confident and refreshed.
Midface Lift

If you experience sagging, flattened cheeks that droop around the lower eyelids, a cheek lift may help give you back your younger self. Our surgeons at Lake Country Plastic & Hand Surgery can provide a permanent solution for aging that doesn’t rely on dermal fillers or Botox to rejuvenate the face.

Are sagging eyelids making you look older? Are the bags under your eyes constantly making you look tired? Blepharoplasty can rejuvenate your upper and lower eyelids, giving you an overall more youthful look. Dr. Tracy McCall can take years off your appearance through blepharoplasty at her Waukesha, WI, office.
Brow Lift

Deep frown lines, furrows, and creases along the brows are often too deep to respond to injections and fillers and, in severe cases, can sag above the eyes, creating a tired appearance. Our surgeon at Lake County Plastic & Hand Surgery can provide brow lifts to raise the eyebrows and remove signs of deep creases along the forehead.