Veingogh (Spider Vein Treatment)

Dr. Tracy McCall provides spider vein treatment at her practice serving Southeast Wisconsin.
Mid age adult 50s age mature woman applying varicose prevention treatment cream massaging legs sitting on bathtub wearing white bathrobe

A Fast and Easy Solution

Dr. Tracy McCall provides spider vein treatment at her practice serving MilwaukeePewaukeeWaukesha and Brookfield. Spider veins are clusters of small veins that commonly appear on your thighs and face. Although they are not harmful, they can be unsightly and embarrassing. Spider vein treatment at our Milwaukee-area practice offers patients multiple noninvasive way to eliminate those red, blue or purple clusters so they are no longer visible.

How Does Laser Spider Vein Treatment Work?

Our Pewaukee skin care professionals use Palomar’s Lux 1064 YAG handpiece to target the blood vessels that cause spider veins. The energy from the laser heats the hemoglobin within the vessel, causing the walls to constrict. The vessel then shrinks and fades from view. Because the laser light passes through the epidermis and only affects the blood vessels, there is no damage to your outer skin. This results in minimal side effects and no downtime, providing fast and easy laser spider vein treatments for our Pewaukee patients.

What are Pewaukee Laser Spider Vein Treatment Costs?

There can be many determinants when it comes to the cost of Pewaukee laser spider vein treatment. One of the most significant is the size of the target area. You can learn more specifics about pricing when you speak with the skin rejuvenation experts at Lake Country Plastic and Hand Surgery.

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Spider Vein Treatment?

It is estimated that at least half of all women are affected by spider veins, with some seeing the clusters pop up in their early 20s. Men are also susceptible, but their leg hair tends to hide the unsightly marks. Some causes of spider veins include heredity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, weight gain and occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing. Most adults in good health may be able to undergo our laser spider vein treatment in Pewaukee.

a person's legs that would benefit from Laser Spider Vein Treatment

For more information about laser spider vein treatment, please contact our Milwaukee-area practice today to set up an initial consultation. Our skin rejuvenation experts welcome patients from Pewaukee, Milwaukee and Waukesha, as well as other nearby locales. When you work with us for your laser spider vein treatment, you will get the attentive, professional care you deserve.

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